Luciana Fernandes
Luciana received the 2011 Canada Games Young Artist of Excellence Award in 2016. She completed her undergrad at Dalhousie University, then relocated to British Columbia to pursue her MFA in directing at UBC.
Luciana returned to Halifax in 2018 to participate in Neptune Theatre’s Chrysalis Project, which provides practical experience and mentorship to emerging theatre artists.

Devin Huang
Devin began playing piano in 2013 at the age of seven, and has won both awards and competitions since then.
He was the 2017 recipient of the first ever Gordon Murray rising Star Award, and one of the winners of the 2017/18 Chebucto Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, an honour which gave him the opportunity to perform with the Orchestra in the spring of 2018.

Ian Parsons
Ian received Talent Trust scholarships to pursue studies in dance. He trained at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts in Halifax, then attended Canada’s National Ballet School.
Ian began teaching ballet after touring with CATS in 2013, and relocated from London, UK back to Canada three years later.

Charley Young
Born in Alberta, Charley moved to Nova Scotia to pursue her BFA at NSCAD University. She received the Charlotte Wilson-Hammond/Visual Arts Nova Scotia Award and the Lieutenant Governor Award.
Charley is a practing artist who teaches drawing and printmaking at NSCAD University and Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.

Lee Yuen-Rapati
Lee received the Talent Trust 2011 Canada Games Award in 2017, the year he began the MA Typeface Design program at the University of Reading in the UK, which is considered by many in the design industry as the best in the world.
He completed his Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Design at NSCAD University, where he taught as a guest lecturer for two years prior to beginning his MA.

Shanice Skinner
Shanice, a soprano born in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance in 2017.
Shanice was Nova Scotia’s alto selection for the 2014 National Youth Choir, and soprano for the 2016 National Youth Choir tour in Alberta. She won the Talent Trust Portia White award in 2016, and received a scholarship in 2018 to continue her voice studies.
An open letter to the arts community from the Director and CEO of the Canada Council for the Arts
Source: Canada Council for the Arts
Dear arts community,
It’s the most prevalent story about the arts sector in Canada right now.
I heard it often in my first year as Director and CEO of the Canada Council for the Arts. I heard it when meeting with artists, arts leaders and policy makers in communities across the country. I also heard it on the news. I’ve even told it myself, and maybe you have too.
But it’s time for us to change this story—before we lose our chance.
The crisis story
The story goes something like this: the arts sector is in crisis. Arts organizations across the country are on the brink of closure, some have already shuttered their doors for good. At the same time, artists and arts workers are leaving the sector for more sustainable fields. Something must be done, the story usually concludes, before we lose it all.
I wish I could say we need to change this story because it’s untrue. Unfortunately, much of it is accurate. We confirmed this with the preliminary findings of a survey the Council held with the sector this past summer that highlighted significant challenges.
So, if the arts sector is truly facing a crisis, what’s wrong with telling this crisis story?
I believe it’s missing two crucial elements that all of us need to start telling now.
What’s missing from the story
For one, the “So what?” of the crisis story is often unclear. The arts are facing monumental challenges. Organizations will close, artists and arts workers will leave the sector. The arts ecosystem could collapse. So what?
For those of us in the arts, the answers might be obvious. But we can’t assume that’s true for everyone—especially not decision makers.
So what? Well, the arts matter to Canadians. They have a significant impact on society—culturally, socially and economically. Canadians have just as much to lose in this crisis as we do.
The second part missing from the crisis story is that strong, sustained public funding is essential. It’s needed to support the arts through this challenging moment. It’s equally needed to help the sector to continue to transform and become more sustainable so that it can keep making its vital contributions in the longer term.
Telling the impact story
As I meet with decision makers across the country, I’m leading with the impact story instead of the crisis.
I’m talking to them about the significant economic impact of the arts. The arts and culture sector contributes $60 billion towards Canada’s GDP and employs over 850,000 people in cultural jobs. The arts attract businesses, which invest in communities. They draw tourists from all over the world, with arts and culture tourism having three times more economic impact than other types of tourism.
I’m also talking about how the arts give Canadians a sense of belonging. The arts create experiences of shared joy, and they bring us together to talk about difficult topics that might otherwise divide us.
When I tell the impact story, I often draw on examples of your work, which the Council has supported in over 2,000 communities across the country, in all artistic disciplines, at every stage of the creative process. Artists and arts organizations in all parts of our country exemplify brilliance and innovation. I am deeply inspired by your talent, passion and creativity.
I emphasize to decision makers that public investment is an important part of the arts impact story. And this support matters at the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal levels. The combination of public and private investment along with earned revenue allows the arts ecosystem to thrive.
We need to amplify this story together.
An urgent call
All of us in the arts need to start telling the impact story to our decision makers, and we need to do it right now.
I call on all of you—arts leaders, artists and arts workers—to meet with the decision makers in your communities, or write them, as soon as you finish reading this.
Tell them about your impact story, whatever it may be. You might tell them about a project that helped your community explore a local issue. You might share the number of people you bring into your community to see your work who also, as a result, visit other local businesses. Each of us will have a different impact story to tell, but together they will create a powerful narrative.
And let them know that public support for the arts has been a part of your success, that it’s needed for the arts to keep contributing to the lives of Canadians.
Tell this story to your audiences, volunteers and donors, too. And encourage them to tell their decision makers how much the arts matter in their lives.
It would be easy to ignore this call, but it will be impossible to ignore what happens next if we do.
Let’s change the story about the arts together by leading with our impact—economically, socially and culturally, in all parts of the country, in communities big and small. And let’s share this story widely, with members of the public and decision makers alike.
Michelle Chawla
Director and CEO
Ready to start telling the arts impact story? To get you started, we’ve put together some key impacts of the arts on the economy, health and wellbeing, and society, here.

Luciana Fernandes
Luciana received the 2011 Canada Games Young Artist of Excellence Award in 2016. She completed her undergrad at Dalhousie University, then relocated to British Columbia to pursue her MFA in directing at UBC.
Luciana returned to Halifax in 2018 to participate in Neptune Theatre’s Chrysalis Project, which provides practical experience and mentorship to emerging theatre artists.

Devin Huang
Devin began playing piano in 2013 at the age of seven, and has won both awards and competitions since then.
He was the 2017 recipient of the first ever Gordon Murray rising Star Award, and one of the winners of the 2017/18 Chebucto Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, an honour which gave him the opportunity to perform with the Orchestra in the spring of 2018.

Ian Parsons
Ian received Talent Trust scholarships to pursue studies in dance. He trained at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts in Halifax, then attended Canada’s National Ballet School.
Ian began teaching ballet after touring with CATS in 2013, and relocated from London, UK back to Canada three years later.

Charley Young
Born in Alberta, Charley moved to Nova Scotia to pursue her BFA at NSCAD University. She received the Charlotte Wilson-Hammond/Visual Arts Nova Scotia Award and the Lieutenant Governor Award.
Charley is a practing artist who teaches drawing and printmaking at NSCAD University and Mount Allison University in New Brunswick.

Lee Yuen-Rapati
Lee received the Talent Trust 2011 Canada Games Award in 2017, the year he began the MA Typeface Design program at the University of Reading in the UK, which is considered by many in the design industry as the best in the world.
He completed his Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Design at NSCAD University, where he taught as a guest lecturer for two years prior to beginning his MA.

Shanice Skinner
Shanice, a soprano born in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance in 2017.
Shanice was Nova Scotia’s alto selection for the 2014 National Youth Choir, and soprano for the 2016 National Youth Choir tour in Alberta. She won the Talent Trust Portia White award in 2016, and received a scholarship in 2018 to continue her voice studies.